Tuesday, December 14, 2010

"SPEAK" Book/Movie

I really like the book because the author explained well the life of a teenager and her problems at school at school, her personal problems and at home. Melinda is an inteligent girl, but after the party she feld depressed because she didn't have any friends and everyone at school that were in the party hates her, including Rachelle her ex-best friend. I think that the author made the right decission of making the movie as similar as the book because he put the right events that happened in the book. Maybe he explained more and made it more obious in the movie so the audience could understand more what happened. The authors need to explain more in the movie because in the book the readers are more intelligent and capting each event that happens i the book. I think that because when the reader is reading the book reads on its particular and different way as the others, for example, if he doesn't understand what happened in the book, he/she could go back and know what happened. On the other hand, in the movie, all the people that watch the movie see it at the same time, but if someone doesn't get something, he can't go back becaause the other people that are also watching it and they wouldn't like that. The part that I mostly like in the movie, was when the other girls at Melinda's school defended her from Andy Evans and that now she has the necessary confidence to tell her mom what happened at the party when she used to don't even talk with her.

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