Hared was born in Jupiter, on the year 1999788. He has 15 hands, 57 legs and 5 eyes. He was grown up in Mars when he was little and then went to the Earth when he was about 551,007 years old. His favorite sport in basketball and his second favorite sport is baseball. He used to play baseball and basketball all the time with his friends when he lived in Jupiter, know in Earth he is just playing soccer because is very common here and a lot of people play it. The names of their parents, are called Inchonabi and Johnnnnnyco, they both died when Hared was only 33,709 years old on a plane crash traveling from Their parents born in Jupiter's moon. Hared is very fast. He is the best basketball player in the world. He married a girl in Earth called ijhfgir8g!!. Then he died in 3334559040505868400578588.