Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Hared was born in Jupiter, on the year 1999788. He has 15 hands, 57 legs and 5 eyes. He was grown up in Mars when he was little and then went to the Earth when he was about 551,007 years old. His favorite sport in basketball and his second favorite sport is baseball. He used to play baseball and basketball all the time with his friends when he lived in Jupiter, know in Earth he is just playing soccer because is very common here and a lot of people play it. The names of their parents, are called Inchonabi and Johnnnnnyco, they both died when Hared was only 33,709 years old on a plane crash traveling from Their parents born in Jupiter's moon. Hared is very fast. He is the best basketball player in the world. He married a girl in Earth called ijhfgir8g!!. Then he died in 3334559040505868400578588.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

8 grade animation

I really like the video in different ways. I like a lot the animations. I also like the colors and the music of the video. The video has a lot of talent. All of the people in 8 grade make effort to make this video about them. The part I like more of this video is that everyone put the part of the video of what they like more.I really like this video about the animation of 8 grade.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I shouldn't work today because I don't want to. I also don't want to work today because the homework that we have to do is very difficult. Nobody get's the homework that we have to do, but I have to do it anyways. I don't like the homework. Nobody likes the homework but we still have to do it because is part of our responsibility. Still when we don't go a day to school, we have to do the homework, and nobody likes that. That are some excuses for not working today.

Sometimes you feel sick or bad and you don't want to work, but you have to do it. A lot of people make excuses. Specially to the teachers. Everyone say excuses when they don't homework. When you don't do proyects, exams or tests, there is no way you can make excuses because the teacher will put you a zero no matter what excuses you say. Nothing will help you in school if you make excuses.

They're a lot of examples of excuses you can make specially in school. One of them is by saying that your dog it your homework, but that is a bad excuse, so nobody will said that. Another excuse is that you sleep late and you can't do the homework because you were very dis animated. Also, you can say that you forget your homework in your house. The worst excuse you can say, is that you don't get the homework and you were trying to ask the Miss what is it about. An excuse you can say when the homework is suppose to be type, is that you don't have a computer. There are the worsest excuses ever that you will never say.